Davide Susca
Art in Portugal Project
01 agosto 2022

Art in Portugal Project

The project consists of transposing some of my paintings onto tile panels by Viúva Lamego.

Projects of this level elevate tiles to the level of art. By associating tile to contemporary artistic creation the Viúva Lamego guarantees that tradition is not only maintained, but also renewed.

Architects see in the tile a material of choice to experiment and in Viúva Lamego the space that welcomes their boldest ideas.

The idea is to make tile panels, using images of my internationally awarded paintings, which are the mark of an extremely difficult period for humanity in 2020/2021, such as "Sobrevivência", "Humanity", "L'onda" and "Tsunami 2020", etc. These panels could be placed in squares, gardens and various public places. 

To develop this project about which I already have several quotes from the "Viúva Lamego", I am looking for sponsors such as chambers, companies and individuals.