Davide Susca



Davide Susca Art stores Customer information to inform the Customer when the domain and hosting expires, to provide technical support, to inform the Customer of promotions, marketing campaigns or to comply with legal obligations.


The customers’ data is obtained on the basis of information received directly or indirectly from the Customers and from the documentation the Customers provide. This information is collected by the agency.

The saved data which may be consulted, exported, changed or deleted by the Client by emailing geral@davidesusca.art.


Customer data will be kept for a period of 2 years from the last contact made with the Customer, except where specific legal obligations impose longer periods.


Any other questions concerning data treatment must be put by email to geral@davidesusca.art or registered letter to our address- Casal Azul - Rua das Palmeiras Ereira
2070-315 Santarém


Each Customer has the right to be informed of any breach of their personal data and to lodge a complaint about the processing of their data with the supervisory authority (CNPD).


 Davide Susca Art stores candidate data from recruitment processes in order to inform them whenever a career opportunity arises at  Davide Susca Art. For the purposes of our privacy policy and treatment of private data these candidates are treated as Customers.



All elements contained in this edition of  Davide Susca Art, including text, photos, illustrations and others are protected by law under the Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Code.


It is expressly prohibited to copy, reproduce and disseminate the text, photos, illustrations and other elements contained in this electronic edition without the express permission of Davide Susca Art, regardless of the means used to do so, with the exception of the right to quote defined by law.


It is expressly forbidden to make commercial use of the elements contained in the electronic edition of  Davide Susca Art, including texts, photos, illustrations and others.


Davide Susca Art reserves the right to take legal action against the authors of  any unauthorized copy, reproduction, dissemination or commercial exploitation of the elements contained in this electronic edition, namely texts, photos, illustrations and others.